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On observance of copyright

All rights to the materials presented on the site , belong to their author - the site administrator E.M. Martsinyuk and are under the protection of the depositing. Reproduction or distribution of these materials in any form can be carried out only with the written permission of the copyright holder.

In the use and dissemination of publicly available information, as well as free Product (project), reference to the right holder and the source of borrowing is mandatory!

Distribution of any paid Product (project) placed on the website without the written permission of the Copyright Holder, as well as any free Product (project) without reference to the copyright holder, is a violation of the legislation on intellectual rights and is prosecuted by Law (Article 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)!

Please take care of the work of the author who tried for you to create the most detailed and informative structure of the projects! Thank you for understanding!