Hits: 507

7х2.5 - SX-CP-TL

Manufacturer code: SXTL7X25
Manufacturer: SDS "PlanStove"
Room height:
Style of design:
Price: 0 ₽
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The project stove complex 7x2.5-SX-CP-TL is a type scheme of stove complex masonry with the designation of the accessories used. With its help, the owner will be able to build a stove complex of ceramic full-length single brick and sand-clay mixture.

The project is presented in several versions, each of which is designed for a certain height of the room (number of oven rows) or the appearance of the stove complex (product versions).

The product includes a stove complex project with explanatory notes, with a cut and a specification for materials (in PDF format)

Documents are required for stove complex masonry and its operation:
- the project of fire-fighting fluff (classic) and otter;
- the project of fire-fighting fluff (with the use of refractory wool) and otter;
- instruction on maintenance and commissioning of the stove;
- fire safety instruction (SNiP)

More information:
- no air supply , but has a lining;
- heat dissipation and stove complex size depends on selected parameters (cf. characteristics);

- this is a copy of the 5.5x2.5 project, only with the added table top;
- a free example of the project can be found in this product card.

How much brick do you need for this stove complex?
The amount of materials depends on the chosen option of the stove complex and will be specified in the specification, but this does not prevent you from calculating yourself the option that you liked. For an approximate calculation, multiply the number of bricks in width by the number in depth (indicated in the product name), then multiply the resulting figure by 2, and the result by the number of rows in the stove (see the picture of the height of the room), after which we multiply by the average filling factor of the stove 0.8. The specification for the stove indicates the exact amount of brick (which is better to acquire with a small supply) without taking into account the fire-fighting fluff, otter and pipe.
Base area: 1.13 м2
Size, height of the room 2 m. (w,d,h): 1778 х 635 x 1960 мм.
Heat transfer, room height 2 m.* (kWh): 1.79 / 1.03
Size, height of the room 2.5 m. (w,d,h): 1778 х 635 x 2100 мм.
Heat transfer, room height 2.5 m.* (kWh): 2.06 / 1.26
*on average, for each hour a day: with double / single-fire stove


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