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Buying a product

Product choice has both free and paid products. To get acquainted with the content and format of the purchased goods, it is recommended to first download free goods from the section in which it is planned to purchase the paid goods. This item on the card is highlighted by green button Download instead of orange Buy.

The following abbreviations are used in the product names, which can be alternated by a hyphen depending on the function of the kiln:

BR (БР - Барбекю) - BaRbecue;
SS (БП - Банная печь) - Sauna Stove;
CP (ВП - Варочная плита) - Cooking Plate;
ES (ВТ - Встраиваемая топка) - Embedded Stove;
HWS (ГВС - Горячее водоснабжение) - Hot Water Supply. Heat exchanger in the form of a serpentine and expansion tank for water;
FP (КМ - Камин) - FirePlace;
FD (КД - Каминная дверца) - Fireplace Door;
SC (КП - Коптильная камера) - Smoking Chamber;
BL (КЛ - Котёл) - BoiLer;
CH (ЛЖ - Лежанка) - CoucH;
SX (ПК - Печной комплекс) - Stove CompleX, which has more than two functions, one of which is most often a barbecue;
PBS (ОБП - Печь для общественных бань) - Public Bath Stove;
HCS (ОВП - Отопительно-варочная печь) - Heat Cooking Stove;
HS (ОП - Отопительная печь) - Heat Stove;
CHS (УОП - Угловая отопительная печь) - Corner Heat Stove;
RP (РП - РусПар) - Stone tank with the name "Rus VaPor";
RS (РС - РусСауна) - Tank for stones, releasing dry steam and has become popularly called "Rus Sauna";
RT (РТ - Русская теплушка) - Russian Teplushka, which implies a combination of cooker, bread chamber and beds;
SA (СД - Сидушка) - SeAt;
TL (СЛ - Столешница) - TabLetop;
TH (ТН - Электрический ТЭН) - Thermal Electric Heater;
CF (УК - Угловой камин) - Corner Fireplace;
BCW (ХКБ - Хлебная камера по белому) - Bread Chamber White;
BCB (ХКЧ - Хлебная камера по черному) - Bread Chamber Black;
SM (МВ - Малая высота) - Stove size under a low ceiling height of 2 m.;
ST (СВ - Стандартная высота) - The size of the stove under the standard ceiling height of 2.5 m.;
BG (БВ - Большая высота) - The size of the stove under a high ceiling from 3 m.

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Pic.1 - Example of a name in a product card

When the functionality of the stove is selected, you need to determine the characteristics of the product, and for this you need to perform the following steps:

1. Choose the size of the base. The name of the product first indicates the width, then the depth and the number of bricks on each side of the kiln. In the characteristics of the product card and a brief description of the product, information about the dimensions is indicated in millimeters, where first goes also width, then depth, and then height. Width is considered on the side of the stove (stove door) or portal.

2. Choose the height of the project. Each product can vary in height depending on the choice of the height of the room, which is selected in the product card.

3. Select the look of the project. Each product can differ in appearance and shape depending on the choice of the version of the project, which is selected in the product card.

4. Select additional kiln functions, if available.

5. Determine the heat dissipation of the project. Each product can vary in height depending on the choice of the height of the room and the version of the project, the choice of which affects the heat dissipation of the object. These parameters are selected in the product card.

Example item name: 6х4.5 HCS-BCB-FD-ST v1.0.0
Transcript: A baker-stove with a bread chamber on a black (through the chamber goes the smoke gases) and a fireplace door (i.e. a second stove instead of an open fireplace) for a standard room height (2.5 m), with a base size of 6 bricks wide and 4.5 bricks deep. Project version 1, Design version 0 and modification number (corrigenda) 0.


Adding a free item to your cart
In each section of furnace projects there is always a free example of the product. To download it, go to the appropriate section and see in the catalog products with a highlighted marker «Free». 

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Pic.2 - Free and paid sample products

Right in the catalogue you can click on the «Download» button and if our product does not have additional characteristics, it will be added to the «Shopping cart». Otherwise you will find yourself in the card of the goods, which will be informed that you need to choose the parameters, after which the product will be added to the «Basket». After selecting the required characteristics, the card will show images of the selected product with dimensions. Also in the menu icon with «Shopping Cart» information about the number of added products (in the mobile version this feature is temporarily unavailable).

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Pic. 3 - Product card


Adding a paid item to the basket
When you have decided on the choice of the paid goods, got acquainted with its characteristics and with an example of free goods from the same category, you can choose «Buy» button directly from the catalog. In most cases, as with the addition of free goods, you will find yourself in the product card to choose the appropriate parameters, after which you can add the product «In the shopping cart».


Placing an order
After entering the «Shopping Cart» section, the list of selected goods for purchase is checked. Each item cannot be sold in plural because the kiln design is not a physical product and therefore adding the same item twice does not add up the same item. If any of the goods is superfluous, you can always remove it from the list in the current section.

In the same section, you can enter and activate the gift discount code for an additional discount, which can be found in the studio news during the holiday promotions, or by individual letter.

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Pic. 4 - Shopping cart

Having read the list of goods for purchase, we go to «Order».


Authorization and registration
The authorization section is necessary for the transaction between the seller and the buyer, as well as for tracking the purchase order, or for reusing it for download. This is why the data you provide during registration is so important. If you have already registered, you need to login with your email address and password. If you have previously given permission through Google, you will be automatically authorized without any passwords.

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Pic. 5 - Authorization

If you are on the site for the first time and previously not registered, then you have 2 options: In the first case, you need to specify your postal address, company name for legal entities (otherwise not required) and enter your confirmation password to inform you of your order status and access.

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Pic. 6 - First method of registration

Each form of registration requires a confirmation of «Privacy Statement».

In the second case, for those who have mail in Google, just click on the "G" icon in the authorization window and your system will ask you to choose your email account and get acquainted with the privacy policy and terms of use of the site, and then, having warned about access to the name and address of your profile will offer to continue registration, where after confirmation by the button "Continue", you will already be authorized and you do not need to enter a password for this. This method is simpler and faster than the first, but for legal entities it will be necessary to add the company name in the settings of your personal account.

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Pic. 7 - Easier way to register with Google


Buying a product

After adding the product to the «Shopping Cart» and passing the registration, you will find yourself at the first stage of buying the goods. We confirm «Privacy Statement» and proceed to the way of delivery. The method of delivery is always free, because. is carried out by transfer of digital goods via download from «Personal account», or by reference in a personal letter after confirmation of one of the payment methods.

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Pic. 8 - Payment methods

After the choice of payment method and confirmation of the terms of purchase of the Goods, the Buyer will make the transition to the form of payment, and after payment of the Goods, the Buyer will receive a letter to the e-mail address with access to the purchased Goods. It will also be possible to access the purchased goods in the personal cabinet of the studio after authorization.

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Pic. 9 - Order confirmation


Commodity loading

There are several ways to download a purchased or free Product. The simplest is from your postal address, where after payment of the Goods comes a letter with a letter on the purchased goods. If for some reason the letter was lost, it is necessary to enter the Personal Account of the Buyer to download the Goods.

There are two ways to enter your account:

- via the section "Information" at the bottom of the site, under the link "Orders".

- via the main menu under the link "Orders".

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Pic. 10 - List of orders after authorization of the Buyer

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Pic. 11 - Order detailing with access to purchased Goods